Logan Johnson was a healthy 8-year-old boy when he was diagnosed with an illness called Myocarditis (Inflammation of the heart) which doctors believe was caused by Parvovirus B-19 (known as 5th disease). The nightmare began on May 6th, 2017. Logan played a soccer game that morning. He had been sick with a low-grade fever the day before and seemed to be feeling better, but the game wore him out and the fever returned.
Later that day, he complained of pain in his chest and abdomen. He collapsed at home and was taken by ambulance to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. After many hours and extensive tests, ultrasounds, and lab work – he was diagnosed with Myocarditis. He was placed on life support to try to save him. After three excruciating weeks in the hospital, Logan went to heaven and is now safe in the arms of Jesus.
2 days prior to becoming ill Logan asked his mom what his purpose was and why God made him. Little did this 8 year old know that his story and journey would touch so many lives and bring people closer to their faith in God. Logan’s family is hoping that through “Logan’s Laps for Love” event money raised will help Children’s Wisconsin to find out more about Myocarditis, ways to prevent and treat the illness, and maybe someday soon no other family will have to endure the loss of a loved one from this disease. Logan's Laps For Love will be held annually on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.
If you would like to read the whole story about Logan you can also read the book "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" by Laurie Johnson at Amazon.com
"Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" by Laurie Johnson. Logan's story and how to survive child loss. Purchase on Amazon